Dena Bank Recruitment 2017-18.Dena Bank invites application for the recruitment of the post Financial Literacy Center Counselor. The candidates are requested to go through the all the details like number of posts, age limit, educational qualification, experience and other conditions and ensure that they fulfill the minimum prescribed criteria before applying . Interested and Eligible candidate can apply online through official website of Dena Bank on or before 26th August 2017.
»Role and Responsibilities:
- Carry on day to day activities of FLCs as per guidelines of RBI.
- Impart financial literacy in the form of simple messages like whysave, why save with banks, why borrow from Banks, etc.
- To ensure that miss selling of financial products and services doesnot take place.
- To maintain record in the form of register containing details such as name, gender, age, profession, contact details, whether banked or unbanked, details of services availed and whether linked with banking services..............[READ MORE]
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